Live Linkedin Prospecting

6 Day Linkedin Prospecting


This is designed to be live, so there are no guaranteed recordingsĀ  . . .

for a limited time, here is the recording of the first 2 days, please watch, again, this is designed to be live only:

Please keep in mind, because this is live prospecting, real leads, we shouldn't even be recording.

Please, please, please don't reach out to any leads you see in the screen, etc . . .

I know I don't have to say this . . .but if anyone doesn't know not to, just letting you know šŸ™‚


Thanks so much, I hope you are getting amazing value out of watching these live (and the recordings)

Day 6: here is the link to watch day 6



Day 5: here is the link to watch day 5

Day 4: Here is the link to watch day 4

Day 3: Here is the link to watch day 3

Day 2: Here is the link to watch day 2


Day 1:

Welcome to the 6 Day Linkedin Prospecting Program

This will be live prospecting, please come to as many of the live calls as you can.

Not only will I prospect live, but I will encourage you to prospect live during that time, and show you methods of getting folks to connect with you AND get on your list.

(If you don't have a squeeze page or landing page . . . a good goal for the next day or so would be to create one!)

Note: this will be live, I believe it's technically against linkedin terms of service to record these sessions, so please plan to attend as many as possible live.


I'll copy the "sales copy" below so you can refresh the meaning of this 6 day linkedin push:


Do you want to use linkedin to get leads and clients, but frankly, you log in and then you go blank?

Do you log in to linkedin and you ask for a few connections, you get distracted, and you leave with . . .nothing?

Do you want to use linkedin to get new leads but are struggling to get traction?

If so . . .

I introduce to you 6 days of LIVE PROSPECTING on linkedin . .

That's right, for 6 days, for one hour each day, you and I and a small group of clients will log in to linkedin, I'll do live prospecting right on your screen . . .

THEN I'll give YOU direction to do your own prospecting for about 20 minutes . .

YOU'LL prospect for 20 minutes, live on screen with me

if you'll show up for each live prospecting session, you should get 10-20 new connections every single day

PLUS several new leads on your email list . . .

But the best part will be that after working with me personally for 6 hours and you can SEE how I do it - and how I get prospects AND get folks on my list through linkedin . .

YOU'LL be able to predictably log in to linkedin day after day, and get new connections and get new email subscribers each and every day . . .

Let's face it, you probably know linkedin leads would change things for you . .

But if you don't know what to do . .

Or you can't visualize what to do because you haven't seen it . .

It's very very hard . .

How would it feel to get new connections AND new email subscribers every single day in linkedin?

If that would change things for you, I invite you to join me for the next 6 working days as I personally login to linkedin and prospect with you . . .

So . . here's the schedule:


Wednesday Jan 20th 10 AM ET

Thursday Jan 21 1 PM ET

Friday Jan 22 10 AM ET

Monday Jan 25 12 noon ET

Tuesday Jan 26 11:30 AM ET

Wednesday Jan 27 12 noon ET


notice these times are mostly early in the day . . .

this way you can have your prospecting out of the way early in the day . .

you'll have several new email subscribers before noon . . .


What could that do for your business, if it happened everyday . .

Go ahead, get enrolled, and let's prospect together!

This is the schedule for the 6 day prospecting:

Wednesday Jan 20th 10 AM ET

Thursday Jan 21 1 PM ET

Friday Jan 22 10 AM ET

Monday Jan 25 12 noon ET

Tuesday Jan 26 11:30 AM ET

Wednesday Jan 27 12 noon ET