High End Coaching Program Creation Class

Design and Create Your High End Coaching Program $2000 - $9000 in just 4 hours
(this exact process also works for lower ticket starter coaching: $300 - $1000)

Dear Client,

As we enter 2021, do you wish you had a coaching program ready to go, that you could simply start enrolling clients in?

Have you dreamed of a high ticket, life-changing coaching program, but you keep getting stuck when you trying to structure it, think about the right way to deliver it, and how to get your clients the best results?

Are you a bit frustrated as the 5th day of the year is rolling in . . . and you aren't fully ready to go?


If so, first off: I get it.

I've been there, where I wish I had already taken action on something important . . .

And I've also seen clients that are just in your spot . . .they have the information and experience in their "heads" but they haven't translated it to a real-life program they can start enrolling clients in.


Let me ask you this:

How would it feel to have a complete 13-week coaching program fully structured and ready to launch, in just the next few days?

How would it feel to have the lessons outlined, the lessons already created in a members area on your site, ready for your clients to study?

How would it feel to have a zoom schedule set up, with weekly Q and A calls ready to go - your clients just have to show up after they study the lessons?

How would it feel to have a full onboarding in place, where you personally guide your clients on how to use your training, so that they get the best results?


In short:

Imagine you have:

--> A full set of training lessons, ready to record, in your niche or training topic - fully outlined, you just record one lesson per week for 13 weeks?

--> A full zoom schedule set up ahead of time . . one Q and A call each week for 13 weeks, your clients just have to show up (and you do too)

--> A full curriculum with an easy homework assignment for each class so that clients have actionable work to do so that they can implement what you teach

--> All your lessons loaded in a members area, ready for new clients to come in and study


How would it feel to have a complete high-end coaching program, ready to go, ready to get clients into?


If that would feel good . . . I believe you will love what I'm going to do . .


I'm going to hold a One-Time Live Offer Creation and Coaching Program Structure Bootcamp over the next few days . .

it will be 2 live sessions about 2 hours each, with a homework assignment for you between the sessions.

The first class has been held and the recordings are ready for you to study and implement this weekend, then we meet live Monday from 2 PM ET till 4 PM ET , to help you with your offer and program

Normally this complete Offer Creation and Coaching Program Structure Class is only part of my own High End Coaching Program that's $5500


However, I'm recording a new set of trainings for the Offer Creation and Structure part of the program . .

and normally I would just record it with my High End clients in audience . .

but here's the thing,

I keep thinking about my other clients . . .clients like you who aren't in that program

And thinking that if you only had a strong offer -

and you had a Coaching Program structure . .

You would have a real High End Coaching Business in place . . .

ready to start getting clients


So . . . I'm opening up a few spots to attend this powerful live training . . .


I'll hold it over 2 days, spread apart by a weekend, so that you'll be able to IMPLEMENT what I teach the first 2 hours, then we'll come back in a few days and finish up.


When you complete this Laser-Class you'll have:


--> A Full Offer for YOUR OWN Transformative Coaching Program you can charge $2000 - $9000 for (and the format works, in a modified way, if you have a $300 - $1000 starter program you are starting with)

--> The Complete Structure for your own $2000 - $9000 program

--> Your lessons outlined, you can either record them the way you see me doing, or you can record them on your computer

--> Your coaching schedule created (days and times) so that you can start enrolling clients

--> Your homework lessons and implementation schedule planned out so that your clients get great results


There's many more details, and they are all in place so that when you complete these 2 2-hour sessions with me live, your $2000 - $9000 coaching program is ready to go . . .


Now, like I said, in the past this level of training was ONLY included in my own high end coaching program that's priced at $5500


But since it's the beginning of the year, and because I truly believe that this Offer and Structure component is the BIGGEST thing missing from so many clients' lives, I've decided to open a few spots, on a first come first served basis . . .


Now, if I were to create a class just like this and "market it" full - on , this would be a $500 - $1000 class on its own, and worth every penny.


But again, because it's the first of the year, and I really believe you need this, I'm opening a few slots

not for $500 - $1000

Not for $200 - $500

but justĀ  $97 and you get the entire Offer and Structure Bootcamp (plus recordings and special homework):



The first class has been held and the recordings are ready for you to study and implement this weekend, then we meet live Monday from 2 PM ET till 4 PM ET , to help you with your offer and program

By the way, not only am I going to teach you WHAT to do and HOW to do it . .

because it's the first of the year and I'm creating a new set of lessons for my own programs, plus scheduling my zoom calls for the year . . you will get to see me literally create the backend of a program LIVE so that you can see how easy it is.

In fact, this may be the single biggest thing holding you back from the income you desire

This might be the single biggest thing holding you back from FINALLY having a class you can enroll clients in at $2000 - $9000

(Or you can do a monthly coaching program with the same offer)

Seriously, so many folks never launch their program just because they don't have the right offer, they don't have the right structure


With this program, in just 2 short days, plus the homework I give you over the weekend . .

You'll will create the delivery area, the offer, the structure to YOUR $2000 - $9000 program . . .


By early next week YOU WILL HAVE your own coaching program ready to sell, ready to enroll into!

If that's what you want and NEED for 2021, this Bootcamp is a MUST - ATTEND:



Here's what happens when you have a real offer with a real price of $2000 - $9000:

  1. You can immediately start marketing it and getting clients

  2. Even if someone doesn't enroll just YOU HAVING a high end program makes them DESIRE to get your other training

  3. If you have a $2000 - $9000 program - your clients just see you differently

    (Remember, the formula works for $300 - $1000 starter programs, so if that's where you are at, you will STILL be able to build your coaching program in this 2 day program)

How much longer are you willing to WAIT to have YOUR OWN $2000 - $9000 program?

I may never do this again.

I'm teaching it live, in 2 2-hour sessions, plus homework for the weekend . .


There's NO BETTER time to get YOUR OWN $2000+++ program up and running than THIS WEEK!

The reason is that January is a POWERFUL time to enroll clients in YOUR PROGRAM


So . . . . I personally recommend . . . enroll, come to class, do the work, and HAVE YOUR OWN $2000 - $9000 program by this time next week!

P.S. I'm really looking forward to holding this class . .

It will be live, it will be interactional (you can ask me questions) AND you will have actionable homework AND results.

And in less than 1 week - YOU will have a bona-fide coaching program you can enroll clients in . . . .

Let's do this!
